Version 62619 Version 90942
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
  • [2007, current] 1019.0 ha
  • [2007, current] 1019 ha
Size in operation (production)
  • [2007, current] 1019.0 ha
  • [2007, current] 1019 ha
Name of investment project
MenaFra project
In-country end products of the project
Comment on water extraction envisaged
Dam construction for irrigation completed. - Stock water system completed. - Two pivot irrigators installed and operational with 290 hectares under irrigation.
Use of irrigation infrastructure
Comment on use of irrigation infrastructure
Construction of dams for irrigation completed. Reserve water system completed. Two pivot irrigators installed and in operation with 290 hectares under irrigation.

Location #RrsrCHpk

Facility name
Mena Fra (Monitor del establecimiento)