Deal #3404

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Detailed crop, animal and mineral information

Crops area/yield/export
  • Eucalyptus, Pine, Teak [current]
Comment on crops
Teak, Cedrela, Eucalyptus and a few indigenous species

Detailed carbon sequestration/offsetting information

Carbon sequestration/offsetting
  • [2017, current] Reforestation & afforestation ( 10000 ha)
    Estimated emission reduction/removal during project lifetime: 178535 tCO2e
    Estimated annual emission reduction/removal: 46229 tCO2e
    Certification standard: Yes
    Name of certification standard/mechanism: Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)
    ID of certification standard/mechanism: VCS2410
    Comment on certification standard / mechanism: VCS standard
Comment on carbon sequestration/offsetting
Project activities are carried out and monitored according to approved project methodology AR-ACM0003 for a project period of 30 years

In country processing of produce

In country processing of produce
Comment on in country processing of produce
Installed a veneer mill in Ghana in 2019 The company specialises in plywood, veneer and sawn timber, poles and biomass energy.