Version 86432 Version 87743
Comment on land area
The concession spans an area of 135 sq km (13,500 ha) Source: Mekong Watch
Comment on implementation status
This Sino Lao Aluminum Company has obtained the concession right for bauxite mining from the Government of Laos and has been in the consideration process for approval of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Certificate from the authority entity in order to start the construction of alumina production plant. Another source (Mekong Watch reported that a revised and updated ESIA was approved by the Government of Laos’ Department of Natural Resources in December 2018. During the year 2021, the associated company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a strategic partner and under the process for the project feasibility study to support the seeking of financing for the future development of the project. Source: Annual report 2021 & Mekong Watch
Comment on investment chain
(2015) Yunnan Aluminium Co. has acquired 51% of SLACO
In 2015, Yunnan Aluminium Co. is planning to acquire 51% stake in Sino Lao Aluminum Corporation Limited (SLACO) for $ 28.05 million via new subsidiary, Yunnan Aluminum International Company., Ltd. (YALICO) After the deal completed, YALICO planned to develop bauxite resources across 147.86 square kilometers (14,786 ha) on the Bolaven plateau in southern Laos, and build 1 million-tpy alumina refinery as well as 3 million-tpy bauxite mine Source: News Metal Italian-Thai Development Public Company Limited has stake of 34% of this project. The company has investment in bauxite mining, and the construction of Alumina Production Plant Project. While, the Chinese-Thai investor Ruoychai International Investment Group/Reignwood International Group with a 33% share and Lao Services Incorporated (LSI)6 holding the remaining shares. According to company news releases, Thailand’s Bangkok Bank Company Ltd. appears to be among the major providers of financial backing Source: Annual report 2021 & Mekong Watch
Name of indigenous people
Nya Heun/Heuny indigenous communities
Community consultation
Limited consultation
Comment on consultation of local community
To power the refining and smelting process, SLACO will develop new coal-fired facilities. But no known discussion has taken place with them to explain the impacts of the associated thermal coal plants, let alone to seek their consent for any aspect of the planned refinery/smelting and coal complex. Source: Mekong Watch
Community reaction
Comment on community reaction
By November 2019, community spokespeople were in the process of reaching out to National Assembly members and the provincial governor to call for the planned mining operations to be cancelled, so that they can retain their land and ways of life. A response from government officials is still pending Source: Mekong Watch
Comment on displacement of people
As of late 2019, company staff were reported to be in the process of trying to negotiate compensation and land/housing losses for villages in the surrounding areas of the hauling roads and combined refinery-smelter complex Source: Mekong Watch
Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation, Socio-economic
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
Potential impacts: social and ecological risks especially the toxic tailings ponds and widespread airborne contamination from mineral processing But no any project document available that indicates proponents have taken into account associated cumulative impacts on peoples’ health and surrounding ecologies Source: Mekong Watch
Materialized benefits for local communities
Health, Education
Comment on materialized benefits for local communities
According to the company source, they will hold technical courses to develop their employees, while sponsoring local health services as well as support for school facilities, but those mentioned supports in the practice remain publicly undisclosed. Source: Mekong Watch
Fully updated

Location #NifBtT9Z

The proposed project is located in close proximity to the Dong Hua Sao and Xe Pian National Protected Areas on the Bolaven Plateau of Champasak Province. The planned site is also directly adjacent to an operating hydropower project where the collapse of a structurally unstable section of the dam in 2018 caused the deaths of over 70 people and the displacement of thousands living in villages downstream (who have remained housed in temporary camps since the incident). Source: Mekong Watch

Data source #oSeiSduM

unknown field
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Publication title
Italian Thai Development Public Company- Annual report 2021
Italian Thai Development Company

Data source #DkzWhIhg

unknown field
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Publication title
Planned Lao Bauxite Mine and Refinery Raises Serious Human Rights and Ecological Questions
Mekong Watch

Data source #FAjuo_td

unknown field
Media report
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Publication title
Yunnan Aluminium to Acquire 51% Stake in SLACO Before Building 1 Million-Tpy Alumina Refinery

Contract #5Jb0WQ-d

unknown field
Duration of the agreement
50 years
Comment on contract
This joint Thai-Chinese-Lao venture that has a fifty-year concession to explore and extract bauxite ore before refining it into alumna for export. Source: Mekong Watch