Version 59374 Version 59375
Size in operation (production)
  • [current] 5643.0 ha
Comment on land area
4283 for plantations, not all productive
5.643 ha producing divided as such: 2.190 ha in the Tshuapa sector, 2.170 ha in the Mokombe sector, 1.283 ha in the Lomela sector.
Comment on contract farming
3029ha by 1530 sharecroppers
3029ha by 1530 sharecroppers. Another source mentions 2.405 ha of tapped rubber trees in village cooperatives and 1360 sharecroppers.
Comment on jobs created (total)
BLE employs 243 contractual workers, 1,530 sharecroppers, 1,358 independent workers and 1,198 external suppliers of rubber.
BLE employs 243 contractual workers, 1,530 sharecroppers, 1,358 independent workers and 1,198 external suppliers of rubber. Another source mentions 324 permanent employees and 800 temporary independent workers.
Overall comment
Most of the plantations were owned by the conglomerate SociΓ©tΓ© GΓ©nΓ©rale de Belgique, which sold off all its plantations in the 1980's, when Suez took over, to the Blattner Group (Agricom, SCAM, Busira-Lomami, SociΓ©tΓ© de Cultures au Congo (Binga), GAP, etc.).
Most of the plantations were owned by the conglomerate SociΓ©tΓ© GΓ©nΓ©rale de Belgique, which sold off all its plantations in the 1980's, when Suez took over, to the Blattner Group (Agricom, SCAM, Busira-Lomami, SociΓ©tΓ© de Cultures au Congo (Binga), GAP, etc.).
Fully updated

Data source #-N7dzCF2


Data source #O_dKwNbq

Media report
Research Paper / Policy Report
Comment on data source
World Bank report Potential Impacts of Agriculture Development on the Forest Cover in the Congo Basin by E. Tollens (2010)

Data source #GW_Sr0s5

unknown field
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Comment on data source
World Bank report Potential Impacts of Agriculture Development on the Forest Cover in the Congo Basin by E. Tollens (2010)