Deal #3017

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Last full update

Detailed crop, animal and mineral information

Crops area/yield/export
  • Eucalyptus, Pine [current]
Comment on crops
The Group Companies have planted over 20,000 hectares of trees and is estimated to sequester over 200,000 tCO2e annually.Primarily Pinus caribaea and Eucalyptus grandis, with smaller amounts of Pinus oocarpa and Eucalyptus urophylla.

Detailed carbon sequestration/offsetting information

Carbon sequestration/offsetting
  • [2005, current] Reforestation & afforestation, Sustainable agriculture ( 2481 ha)
    Estimated emission reduction/removal during project lifetime: 226563 tCO2e
    Estimated annual emission reduction/removal: 11328 tCO2e
    Certification standard: Yes
    Name of certification standard/mechanism: Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
    ID of certification standard/mechanism: 7949
    Comment on certification standard / mechanism: This certification only relates to the Namwasa Central Forest Reserve Reforestation Initiative, located in Mubende.
Comment on carbon sequestration/offsetting
The Group Companies have planted over 20,000 hectares of trees and is estimated to sequester over 200,000 tCO2e annually. The New Forests Company has pole plants in each country and sawmills in Uganda and Rwanda.

Use of produce

Has domestic use
Domestic use
100 %
Comment on use of produce
Timber poles are used domestically

In country processing of produce

In country processing of produce
Comment on in country processing of produce
Timber production