Deal #272

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Based on company website, the company is committed to apply the General IFC EHS Guidelines and sector-specific EHS guideline(s). The company uses the Environmental, Health and Safety guideline: Forest Harvesting Operations and Sawmilling and Wood-based products (from the IFC as safety recommendations. An update of the ESIA was completed in 2018. Mekong Timber Plantations (MTP) is a new member of Centre for Child Rights and Business (The Centre) Working Group, it is the first company in Laos to join this working group. This collaboration began with a child rights risk and impact assessment so that MTP understands how their operations was impacting children, what it meant for their business, and how to address potential risks and maximize their child rights performance. Source: Childrights-Business Recently, MTP has become a new working group member of The Centre for Child Rights and Business. It’s the first company in Laos to join our working group.