Deal #2375

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Operating Company

Operating company
Actors involved in the negotiation / admission process
  • griculture Department (undefined) Universidade Lúrio (UNILURIO) (undefined) Mozambique Agrarian Research Institute (IIAM) (undefined) Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) ( Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
  • Government of Mozambique Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
  • Swedish Cooperative Centre Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
  • New Forests Company Holdings Limited Other
  • Universidade Lúrio (UNILURIO Other
  • Mozambique Agrarian Research Institute (IIAM) Other
  • Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) Other
Name of investment project
Niassa Reforestation Project (NRP)
Comment on investment chain
The company resulted from the name change of Malonda Treefarms SA (MTF) in 2009. MTF was legally registered, in 09/07/2007, after the agreement signed in 2006, between Green Resources AS (GRAS) and Malonda Foundation (MF) (20% ownership). As part of this agreement, MF transferred to GRAS the land use rights (Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento de Terras ‐ DUATs) of 46,120 ha of land in Niassa province and MTF was established to implement the project. The project is being implemented by Niassa Green Resources SA (NGR), a subsidiary of Green Resources AS (GRAS). NGR has the right of the land use, this was granted by the Government to the Malona Foundation, which was streaming the land acquisition process to encourage private investment.
Network of parent companies and tertiary investors/lenders
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