Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #2371

Deal #2371 Version #93690

Sierra Leone
Created at
Last update
Last full update

Number of domestic jobs created

Jobs created (domestic)
Current domestic number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
  • 1938 jobs
  • 3400 jobs
  • [2019, current] 1434 employees
Comment on jobs created (domestic)
Majority of the jobs created are temporary laborers. Reports state that the laborers are unhappy as they get paid less than $50 per month/ $2.3 per day. One source states "labourers on the oil palm plantation are harassed, molested and also exploited". Work stoppages have occurred several times when workers downed tools over community- company protests. A traditional leader reporte Sierra leone Workers, both casual and employees, told the auditors in a group meeting that they are not satisfied with the salaries, that the union is imposed by the company and does not stand up for their interests, and that casual workers injured at work get treatment but no payment for workdays lost. Most are casual workers and, to avoid permanent jobs, are only given very short-term contracts with the option to re-apply. One worker said he was acasual worker for 4 years and 8 months. Workers find it hard to protest for fear of dismissal