Deal #1907 Version 94436 Version 95652
Size in operation (production)
  • [2024, current] 10000 ha
  • [2024, current] 10000 ha
  • [2024] 11β€―700 ha
Comment on land area
In 2018, 1226 ha were given back to the government for the development of the Magombera Forest. Kilombero Sugar Company comprises of two adjacent agricultural estates and sugar factories, Msolwa and Ruembe, situated on either side of the Great Ruaha River and linked by a low-level bridge. KSCL has the largest crop estate in Tanzania covering 26,000 hectares; 10,000 ha belonging to KSCL and approximately 16,000 ha from the small holder farmers - Kilombero Growers. (Source: Company website, 2024) Expansion project ongoing including a new factory, to be completed in 2024 . (Source: Kilombero News: Plants for Kilombero expansion project arrives in Dar es Salaam) The expansion is expected to increase the amount of sugar cane sourced from growers by nearly an additional 1 million tons per year from the current 600,000 tons per year by 2026/27 (Source: Kilombero News KSCL to double its contribution to economic growth)
In 2018, 1226 ha were given back to the government for the development of the Magombera Forest. Kilombero Sugar Company comprises of two adjacent agricultural estates and sugar factories, Msolwa and Ruembe, situated on either side of the Great Ruaha River and linked by a low-level bridge. KSCL has the largest crop estate in Tanzania covering 26,000 hectares; 10,000 ha belonging to KSCL and approximately 16,000 ha from the small holder farmers - Kilombero Growers. (Source: Company website, 2024). The shapefile shows area in operation of 11700 ha. The company website indicates the company has 26000 ha of land of which 10,000 ha is operated by the company and 16,000 ha is operated by smallholder farmers. 1700 ha from the 11700 ha could be smallholder production. Expansion project ongoing including a new factory, to be completed in 2024 . (Source: Kilombero News: Plants for Kilombero expansion project arrives in Dar es Salaam) The expansion is expected to increase the amount of sugar cane sourced from growers by nearly an additional 1 million tons per year from the current 600,000 tons per year by 2026/27 (Source: Kilombero News KSCL to double its contribution to economic growth)
Comment on intention of investment
-Kilombero Sugar Company Limited is currently the market leader in making high quality sugar under the Bwana Sukari brand name. -IDTL produces Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) of 12500kL p.a. with a view to increase to +/-17000KL p.a. after the Expansion Project. Successful downstream diversification strategy into ethanol production from the previously 12 Million litres of potable alcohol produced per annum to 12.5 Million and awarded the Prestigious Monde Selection Grand Gold Quality Award for our home-grown potable alcohol. -Recycling of sugar cane waste to produce energy. (Source: Company website)
Kilombero Sugar Company’s objective is to produce sugar and alcohol sustainably, supporting local growth and renewable energy.
Actors involved in the negotiation / admission process
  • Ministry of Agriculture Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
Name of investment project
Kidatu Sugar Cane Plantation
Kidatu Sugar Cane Plantation Project
Comment on investment chain
Kilombero Sugar Company is part of the Illovo Sugar Africa Group, Africa's biggest sugar producer with extensive agricultural and manufacturing operations in six African countries. Illovo Sugar Africa is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Associated British Foods plc (ABF), listed on the London Stock Exchange. (Source: Company website) In 1998, KSCL was re-privatized. Ownership shifted to a consortium consisting of the South African company Illovo (55%), the British ED&F Man Holdings Limited (20%), and the Government of Tanzania (25%), which is still the ownership structure. (Source: Isager et al., 2021)
Kilombero Sugar Company is part of the Illovo Sugar Africa Group, Africa's biggest sugar producer with extensive agricultural and manufacturing operations in six African countries. Illovo Sugar Africa is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Associated British Foods plc (ABF), listed on the London Stock Exchange. (Source: Company website) In 1998, KSCL was re-privatized. Ownership shifted to a consortium consisting of the South African company Illovo (55%), the British ED&F Man Holdings Limited (20%), and the Government of Tanzania (25%), which is still theownership structure. (Source: Isager et al., 2021).Kilombero Sugar Company Limited is the largest producer of sugar in Tanzania under the Bwana Sukari brand name.
Comment on communities / indigenous peoples affected
KSC’s operational model includes significant involvement from local farmers, who contribute around 40% of the cane processed by the factory, fostering economic benefits for the Kilombero Valley communit
Comment on crops
Largest sugar producer in Tanzania. Expansion project: The new plant will grow the company's capacity to produce sugar from the current 126,000 tonnes per year to 271,000 tonnes per year. (Source: Kilombero News Plants for Kilombero expansion project arrives in Dar es Salaam, 2023) Different information in Winghton & Chuhila, 2023: Sugarcane production on Estate of Kilombero sugar company 575,873.28 tons in 2019/2020 (source provided: Sugar Board of Tanzania, Correspondence, 2020.)
Largest sugar producer in Tanzania. Expansion project: The new plant will grow the company's capacity to produce sugar from the current 126,000 tonnes per year to 271,000 tonnes per year. (Source: Kilombero News Plants for Kilombero expansion project arrives in Dar es Salaam, 2023) Different information in Winghton & Chuhila, 2023: Sugarcane production on Estate of Kilombero sugar company 575,873.28 tons in 2019/2020 (source provided: Sugar Board of Tanzania, Correspondence, 2020.). KSC produces approximately 130,000 tons of brown sugar annually and 12 million liters of potable alcohol per year, making it a key player in Tanzania's sugar industry. -IDTL produces Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) of 12500kL p.a. with a view to increase to +/-17000KL p.a. after the Expansion Project. Successful downstream diversification strategy into ethanol production from the previously 12 Million litres of potable alcohol produced per annum to 12.5 Million and awarded the Prestigious Monde Selection Grand Gold Quality Award for our home-grown potable alcohol. -Recycling of sugar cane waste to produce energy. (Source: Company website)
Comment on use of produce
Export level depends on domestic prices and supply. Preferential access to EU market. Kilombero Sugar Company expansion project is aimed to enable the government to achieve its objective of self-sufficiency in sugar production by 2025
Export level depends on domestic prices and supply. Preferential access to EU market. The company markets its brown sugar under the brand β€˜Bwana Sukari’ and meets local consumer demand. Kilombero Sugar Company expansion project is aimed to enable the government to achieve its objective of self-sufficiency in sugar production by 2025

Location #Lh_SVoE5

unknown field: location.areas
Spatial accuracy level
Exact location
sange tanzania
Sange Tanzania
Lat: -7.76556
Lng: 36.94222
Lat: -7.75174
Lng: 37.0026
Located in Morogoro, Kilombero Coordinates: -8.06738791256492, 37.12554931640625 Kilombero is situated in the Morogoro region in the centre/south of the country, comprising two adjacent agricultural estates and sugar factories, Msolwa and Ruembe, situated on either side of the Great Ruaha River and linked by a low-level bridge.
Facility name
Kilombero Sugar Company
Morogoro, Kilombero Coordinates: -8.06738791256492, 37.12554931640625
Shapefile polygon added from Google Earth Pro

Data source #Dbo6Tiu1

Cotula, Leonard
Comment on data source
Cotula, Leonard, "Alternatives to land acquisitions: agricultural investment and collaborative business models"

Data source #oi8mSe71


Data source #4qdwa3uE

Publication title
The Dynamics Of Land Deals in Africa

Data source #VFkwmnLb


Data source #6RTVBuKH


Data source #9UDDwrDk

Publication title
Illovo Sugar Africa - Kilombero Sugar Company Limited
Illovo Sugar Africa

Data source #UooNkafR

University of Dar es Salaam

Data source #ZwOhB1cM

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Google Earth Pro
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Shapefile was added from Google Earth Pro