Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #1798

Deal #1798 Version #55499

Sierra Leone
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Overall comment

Overall comment
Will produce 100000 cubic meters / 10000 t of bio-ethanol within 2 years to be exported to the EU: full production by 2015. 15 impact assessment conducted, available: (different investment size, GIGA 26000). Phase 2 2013-2015, estimated investment: 300 million Euro, estimated labor 4000. Of the land under contract: 10000ha have sugarcane pivots, 2000ha are currently used for a farmer development program-- rice, the rest of the land is being used by the local farmers for food security. Project was only operational for a short time as yields were poor, the land lies idle now (2016). However the investor still holds the land lease- i.e. land has not been given back to the community members yet. German development bank has withdrawn its funding for the project. While the project is currently on hold and has received criticisms on multiple accounts, the investor is currently looking for alternative funding sources-- see new investor (Sunbird Bioenergy Africa Limited).