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Deal #1684 Version #93006

Created at
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Last full update

Detailed crop, animal and mineral information

Crops area/yield/export
  • Cashew, Rice [current]
Comment on crops
The offerings of Olam Nigeria Limited are grouped into several key categories: animal feeds and hatcheries; sourcing and procurement; grading; processing and export of cocoa, cashew, and sesame hulling; local farming; milling; rice production and distribution; wheat milling; pasta, biscuits, candy, and confectionery; culinary ingredients such as spices (onion and garlic, pepper, tropical spices, chili, and specialty products); noodles; tomato paste; and dairy beverages. These offerings highlight Olam Nigeria Limited's diverse involvement in the agricultural and food processing sectors.

In country processing of produce

In country processing of produce
Comment on in country processing of produce
RIC (Rice processing), cashew nuts. rice milling facility incorporates Satake milling and Italian parboiling technologies. The company recently upgraded its milling capacity from one hundred and twenty thousand (120) metric tonnes to two hundred and forty (240) metric tonnes annually as part of the company’s efforts to ensure food availability and security in Nigeria.