Deal #1498

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Consultation of local community

Community consultation
Limited consultation
Comment on consultation of local community
Communities state that operations commenced prior to consultation

How did the community react?

Community reaction
Comment on community reaction
The majority of the villages in the area have rejected the project.Land Rush showcases the polarisationcaused by his 600 million dollar sugar cane project‘Sosumar’, initiated in conjunction with theGovernment of Mali. While many Malians praise theproject and its promise of prosperity, others staunchlyreject it.Farmers like Koussama Diara strongly oppose SoSuMar, viewing the land as central to their identity, culture, and way of life. These communities value their ancestral ties to the land over economic gains.

Presence of land conflicts

Presence of land conflicts

Displacement of people

Displacement of people
Comment on displacement of people
1718 household in danger of loosing their land. One source mentions 150 000 people affected by the project-not all displaced- as land for planting and grazing has been given away.

Negative impacts for local communities

Negative impacts for local communities
Cultural loss, Displacement

Promised or received compensation

Promised compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
50000 CFA per ha- however many have yet to receive their compensation.
Received compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
50000 CFA per ha- however many have yet to receive their compensation.

Promised benefits for local communities

Promised benefits for local communities
Health, Education, Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...), Capacity building
Comment on promised benefits for local communities
Food crops and vegetables will be grown between the pivots on an estimated area of 1 250 hectares. In addition, 1 000 hectares of rice schemes will be developed.Four multipurpose centres for women’s empowerment will also be built, to serve as forums for information sharing and training.

Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.)

Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.)
The villages have written letters to the government stating their rejection to the project. Various complaints have been submitted to the courts.