Version 53950 Version 53951
Size in operation (production)
  • [2010, current] 2000.0 ha
Comment on negotiation status
- In Sept. 2010, the PDG of the Office du Niger told the media no lease had been signed yet; Office du Niger map of Oct. 2010 shows allocation of 100,000 ha
In 2010, the PDG of the Office du Niger told the media no lease had been signed yet; Office du Niger map of Oct. 2010 shows allocation of 100,000 ha.
Comment on jobs created (domestic)
Workers salary of 500-700 CFA/day
Comment on displacement of people
- No resettlement plan; Expropriations have been reported
Expropriations have been reported
Promised compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
No compensation
No compensation. No resettlement plan.
Comment on in country processing of produce
-Company says it will cultivate oleaginous crops (sunflowers, soya, peanuts, karitΓ©, jatropha) and produce comestible oils although jatropha is not edible - it says β€œsurplus” can be sold to those wishing to make agrofuels
Company says it will cultivate oleaginous crops (sunflowers, soya, peanuts, karitΓ©, jatropha) and produce comestible oils although jatropha is not edible. β€œsurplus” can be sold to those wishing to make agrofuels
Overall comment
Import of error check - Coordinator's overview comment: 0 Import of other remarks regarding the investment: Workers salary of 500-700 CFA/day

Data source #K1euECQc

Comment on data source
Webpage no longer works. Agter- Accaparement des terres

Data source #ZRAFPgoj

Comment on data source
Company website

Data source #uDw7gMNx

Comment on data source
Oakland Institute Mali
Oakland Institute- Understanding Land investment deals in africa. Country report: Mali