Deal #1454

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Number of total jobs created

Jobs created (total)
Current total number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
  • [2019, current] 168 employees
Comment on jobs created (total)
In 2019, JTF employed 168 permanent staff, 141 men and 27 women (4)) The local jobs that were promised by the hundreds are in reality daily jobs often of very short duration paid two months after the end of the work in some cases. And local youth, even with university degrees, are not hired as permanent employees. (

Number of domestic jobs created

Jobs created (domestic)
Current domestic number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
  • [2014, current] 100 employees 1100 workers
Comment on jobs created (domestic)
The company pays 5,000 Ariary per day. The company employs 1100 people in the high season and 450 people in the low season. Another reports states that the project employs 170 permanent employees and approximately 2 000 seasonal workers. Another paper found that households employed by Tozzi Green experienced less hunger than households engaged in contract farming by other company and fewer months of inadequate food provision, because of their regular wages. But many did not have assets to sell in times of need. This reduced household ability to cope with food insecurity should a loss of income or natural disaster take place. It may be that the wages were enough to keep them from hunger but not enough for them to save and invest in assets for future stability.