Version 92145 Version 93466
Comment on crops
120 native species are used for reforestation.
Overall comment
"People in the region are seeking out technical assistance to modify their practice" (regarding shifting cultivation) and the project will offer this beside reforestation. It will also allowed formalizing land tenure of farmers
"People in the region are seeking out technical assistance to modify their practice" (regarding shifting cultivation) and the project will offer this beside reforestation. It will also allowed formalizing land tenure of farmers

Data source #Mj9MPFyN

Comment on data source
The World Bank- The Ankeniheny-Mantadia-Zahamena Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Corridor Carbon Project, Conservation Component
This data source refers to the entire Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor (CAZ). The CAZ carbon project covers 370,032 ha. Deal #1422 is only the reforestation component, which amounts to 411.3 hectares.

Data source #hJITo6cp

Research Paper / Policy Report
Company sources