Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #1393

Deal #1393 Version #53279

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Detailed crop, animal and mineral information

Crops area/yield/export
  • Oil Palm [2019, current] 6470.0 ha
Comment on crops
Palm Bay estate currently has 6,470 hectares ("ha") planted to oil palm, of which 5,156 ha is mature enough to be harvested for the extraction of CPO and other products at the mill at Palm Bay estate.A further 939 ha will be coming into maturity over the 2019/2020 financial year. The fresh fruit bunches (“FFB”) harvested had increased from 2,000 MT per month to in excess of 4,000 MT per month and the oil extraction rate had increased from 22% to 25%.

Use of produce

Has domestic use
Has export
Country 1

In country processing of produce

In country processing of produce
Comment on in country processing of produce
Palm oil production- the plant is only operational one day a week due to lack of fruit. The company is looking to acquire more land in the surrounding area.