Deal #1165 Version 87934 Version 92526
Comment on intention of investment
The company plans to produce crude oil, refined palm oil, palm kernel oil, margarine, cosmetics, soap, animal feed and also biofuel. In addition to margarine, the company has moved into the production of biofuel made from palm oil.
ECO-OIL ENERGIE is an agricultural and agro-industrial company, which is involved in the cultivation of oil palm and rubber trees in Congo. The company plans to produce crude oil, refined palm oil, palm kernel oil, margarine, cosmetics, soap, animal feed and also biofuel. In addition to margarine, the company has moved into the production of biofuel made from palm oil.
Carbon offset project
Name of investment project
Eco-Oil Energie SA Congo
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
A critical report of consultants who visited an Eco-Oil concession area in 2016, reported deforestation, illegal practices and conflicts with communities, among others, in the Cuvette region
A critical report of consultants who visited an Eco-Oil concession area in 2016, reported deforestation, illegal practices and conflicts with communities, among others, in the Cuvette region.
Crops area/yield/export
  • Oil Palm [current]
  • Oil Palm, Rubber tree [current]
Overall comment
Originally leased by Fri El Green, however contract was cancelled as the company did not meet their contractual obligations. Fri El Green leased 4000ha, with an option to expand to 44000ha. Fri El Green only received a portion of the Sangha Palm and National Board palm groves of Congo plantations. Eco Oil Energy seems to have acquired all the land previously under Sangha Palm and National Board palm groves of Congo. One data source states that the Society of African oil exploration and distribution, SARPD-Oil may also be a shareholder in the project- could not find any further information on this.
Originally leased by Fri El Green, however contract was cancelled as the company did not meet their contractual obligations. Fri El Green leased 4000ha, with an option to expand to 44000ha. Fri El Green only received a portion of the Sangha Palm and National Board palm groves of Congo plantations. Eco Oil Energy seems to have acquired all the land previously under Sangha Palm and National Board palm groves of Congo. One data source states that the Society of African oil exploration and distribution, SARPD-Oil may also be a shareholder in the project- could not find any further information on this. It has 4 production sites spread across the Congolese territory and is a major player in the development of the country's agricultural and agro-industrial sectors

Location #DVpoNSG0

Sangha plantation in Cuvette-Ouest district-- 100ha
Located in Etoumbi, Congo Sangha plantation in Cuvette-Ouest district-- 100ha.

Location #godcX0--

RNPC land in the Cuvette district- 500ha
RNPC land in the Cuvette district- 500ha.

Location #5sNWaHG7

District Mokeko
Located in District Mokeko.

Data source #XFGLnxcR


Data source #VyPkh_cR


Data source #vlalEKv0


Data source #zuALam-d


Data source #Cf0PPJn3

Company sources
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Comment on data source
Eco Oil Energy Facebook page

Data source #IWEjPNw2


Data source #HniRRUcn


Data source #Ufz3D3OI


Data source #Xnns1sDN

Media report
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Publication title
ECO-OIL ENERGIE SA - Farming - Overview, Competitors, and Employees