Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #1151

Deal #1151 Version #88494

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Land area

Intended size
63 763 ha
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
  • [2004] 78529 ha
  • [2019, current] 58063 ha
Size in operation (production)
  • [2014] 37001 ha
  • [2019, current] 34651 ha
Comment on land area
The SOCFINAF annual report 2019 states that the company owns 58,063ha of which 32,584ha is planted with oil palm and 2,067ha with rubber. At the time of privatization, Socapalm totaled 78 529 ha. More than 20 000 ha were retroceded to the legal owner, the State of Cameroon at the end of June 2005. Initially SOCAPLAM bought 78,000 hectares of land and in 2005 it was agreed that 20,000 hectares be given to the indigenous population. They said SOCAPALM violated this "Gentleman Agreement". 40% of planted area by smallholders on the estate. Another report states 58000 hectares under contract, while a farmland grab article states 56000ha. 37,001 hectares of plantations in 2014: 35,037 ha of oil palm and 1,964 hectares of rubber. Socfin 2014 report states 59 563 ha under contract, with area planted being 33 044ha. 6 sites. Original leasehold states 20 000ha only. Grain report states concession size 73529ha while the area under plantations is 41951ha (Sept 2019). One report showed that in December 2019, a new contract for Safacam (Socfin group in Cameroon) was awarded on an additional 2,161 hectares for plantation extension.

Intention of investment

Intention of investment
  • [2019, current] Non-food agricultural commodities, Agriculture unspecified (58063 ha)
Comment on intention of investment
Oil palm and rubber

Nature of the deal

Nature of the deal

Negotiation status

Negotiation status
  • [2000, current] Concluded (Contract signed)

Implementation status

Implementation status
  • [1969, current] In operation (production)
Comment on implementation status
Previously government owned, started in 1969

Contract farming

Contract farming
On leased / purchased
On leased area/farmers/households
  • 2338
  • [2018, current] 107
Not on leased / purchased (out-grower)
Not on leased area/farmers/households (out-grower)
  • [2018, current] 804
Comment on contract farming
2018 contract farming figures are based on the tracability reports from the company. They have 2,338 outgrowers, who themselves have about 3,000 agricultural workers. 40% of planted area by smallholders on the estate.