Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #10861
Deal #10861 Version #94965
Created at
Last update
Last full update
Land area
Intended size
4 600 ha
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
- [2009, current] 4 600 ha
Size in operation (production)
- [2009, current] 4 600 ha
Comment on land area
The EIA states that the reservoir created by the project will flood 2,949 hectares permanently and 182. hectares temporarily.98 Other documents offer different estimates: a 2009 JICA report contended that the project would flood a projected 4,600 hectares, while a UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism Project Description report claimed flooding of a 1,600-hectare area.
Intention of investment
Intention of investment
- [2009, current] Renewable energy unspecified (4 600 ha)
- [2012, current] For carbon sequestration/REDD
Carbon offset project
Carbon offset project
Nature of the deal
Nature of the deal
Comment on nature of the deal
The land lease agreement, power purchase agreement, and BOT project execution agreement were signed on June 20, 2008.
Negotiation status
Negotiation status
- [2008-06-20, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
Comment on negotiation status
BOT agreement was signed in 2008, construction was projected to begin in 2009 and commercial operation to commence by 2013 at a projected cost of USD $505 million.
Implementation status
Implementation status
- [2010-03] Startup phase (no production)
- [2015, current] In operation (production)
Comment on implementation status
The dam was built from 2010 to 2015 under a 42- year Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) agreement between the Cambodian government and Cambodia Tatay Hydropower Ltd. (CTHL), a Cambodian subsidiary of a joint venture between three Chinese companies that was established solely for this project.3
Contract farming
Contract farming