Deal #10680
Created at
Last update
Last full update
Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected
Name of community
Nathou village, Phin district, Vilabouly district, Atsaphone district of Savannakhet province
Consultation of local community
Community consultation
Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)
Comment on consultation of local community
The installation of the tower was strongly supported by village, district, provincial and central authorities and the necessary permits and certificates were given.
How did the community react?
Community reaction
Presence of land conflicts
Presence of land conflicts
Promised benefits for local communities
Promised benefits for local communities
Roads, Other
Comment on promised benefits for local communities
Decisions were taken concerning the transportation of the tower and associated equipment, checks were made for unexploded ordnance (UXO), and the project management ensured there would be no impact on forested areas at the site.
Materialized benefits for local communities
Materialized benefits for local communities
Roads, Other
Comment on materialized benefits for local communities
The project investors provided funding for the repair of roads in local villages and districts to improve travel conditions in the rainy season.