Deal #1060

Created at
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Last full update

Detailed crop, animal and mineral information

Crops area/yield/export
  • Corn (Maize) [2024, current] 12000 ha
  • Soya Beans [2024, current] 8000 ha
  • Bean [2024, current] 200 ha
  • Sorghum [2024, current] 40 ha
Comment on crops
This information was collected from a Geographic Information System (GIS) made by the National Institute of Agricultural and Livestock Technology (INTA, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria). According to the document "Memoria y estados financieros del ejercicio 2023", in 2023 the total crops area was 22314 ha
Livestock area/yield/export
  • Cattle [2023, current] 2604 ha
Comment on livestock
Data from the document "Memoria y estados financieros del ejercicio 2023". According this document, all of the livestock facilites of Cresud SACIFyA are registered as "export facilities"