1. Location #xqFiKkQF
Spatial accuracy level
Approximate location
Teixeira de Freitas, BA, Brasil
Lat: -17.54003
Lng: -39.74218
In total, there are 7 properties registered under the name Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A. in the municipality of Teixeira de Freitas, covering a total area of 8,861.32 hectares.
BELA VISTA: 185.988 hectares
CEU AZUL: 975.9405 hectares
ALCOPRADO*: 6329.9821hectares
BLOCO 16: 51.8439 hectares
BLOCO 20: 703.4792 hectares
BLOCO 19: 267.7559 hectares
ESTANCIA BOM JESUS: 346.33 hectares
* At the farm, Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A. holds 50.4% of the ownership.
Facility name
Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A.