Deal #10500

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1. Location #ywy57oDv

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Approximate location
São Mateus, ES, Brasil
Lat: -18.71661
Lng: -39.85587
In total, there are properties registered in the name of Suzano Papel e Celulose in the municipality of São Mateus, covering 21686,84 hectares. Properties: BLOCO 14 FRD: 2186.946 hectares BLOCO 21 FRD: 57.3809 hectares BLOCO 13 FRD: 632.3781 hectares BLOCO 27 FRD: 61.2846 hectares BLOCO 20 FRD: 615.722 hectares BLOCO 22 FRD: 297.6508 hectares BLOCO 26 FRD: 153.4968 hectares BLOCO 11 FRD E BARRO NOVO: 812.8699 hectares BLOCO 19 FRD: 262.0331 hectares BLOCO 23 FRD: 15.0496 hectares BLOCO 25 FRD: 15.1117 hectares BLOCO 24 FRD: 323.2138 hectares BLOCO 18 FRD: 126.2618 hectares BLOCO 28 FRD: 1301.3331hectares BLOCO 10 FRD I: 8628.0622 hectares BLOCO 10 FRD III: 91.3143 hectares BLOCO 10 FRD V: 851.1228 hectares BLOCO 10 FRD VI: 683.2289 hectares BLOCO 10 FRD IV: 2039.5055 hectares BLOCO 10 FRD II: 1275.0193 hectares
Facility name
Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A.
According to the 2022 data from the Production of Vegetable Extraction and Silviculture, provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), there are 42,685 hectares of eucalyptus planted in the municipality of São Mateus. This means that 18.2% of the total area of the municipality (including urban areas, legal reserves, conservation units, and traditional communities) is occupied by eucalyptus.