Deal #10313

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Last update

Detailed electricity generation information

Electricity generation
  • [2019-4-26, current] Solar (Photovoltaic) 56 ha 0 %
    Currently installed capacity: 25 MW Intended capacity: 100 MW
Comment on electricity generation
HSEC partnered with Astronergy Development Gensan, Inc. (ADGI) for the construction of the power plant, which is composed of more than 80,000 solar panels.

Use of produce

Has domestic use
Domestic use
100 %
Has export
Comment on use of produce
Geronimo Bella Jr., HSEC chairman and president, said the plant -- the first in the city and considered as one of the biggest in Mindanao -- is now fully operational and ready to provide additional power supply to local consumers through power utility South Cotabato II Electric Cooperative (Socoteco II).