Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #10312

Deal #10312 Version #94507

Created at
Last update

Detailed electricity generation information

Electricity generation
  • [2015-06] On-shore wind turbines 686 ha 0 %
    Number of turbines: 18 Currently installed capacity: 87 MW Intended capacity: 150 MW
  • [2024-01-2, current] On-shore wind turbines 686 ha 0 %
    Number of turbines: 50 Currently installed capacity: 150 MW Intended capacity: 150 MW
Comment on electricity generation
Phase 1 of the project consisted of 29 turbines generating 87 MW of energy in 2015; With the comissioning of Phase 2 in 2024, it added an extra 14 MWs and 6 turbines, thus totaling the project to 63 MW with 21 turbines The first phase included the installation of 29 wind turbines and the construction of a wind farm substation, 13.6km access roads and a 42km overhead transmission line. The remaining 21 turbines were installed in the second phase.

Detailed carbon sequestration/offsetting information

Carbon sequestration/offsetting
  • [2021-11-11–2028-11-10, current] Wind farm ( 686 ha)
    Estimated emission reduction/removal during project lifetime: 1 760 635 tCO2e
    Estimated annual emission reduction/removal: 251 510 tCO2e
    Certification standard: Yes
    Name of certification standard/mechanism: Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
    ID of certification standard/mechanism: 7980
Comment on carbon sequestration/offsetting
The wind farm generates approximately 370GWh of electricity a year, which is used to power more than two million households. It offsets approximately 200,000t of CO₂ emissions annually.

Use of produce

Has domestic use
Domestic use
100 %
Has export

In country processing of produce

In-country end products of the project
energy production for locals