Tracking changes in land governance to inform law reform in Cameroon: Methodology note
Authors: CED and IIED
Published: 2019
Source: LandCam
LandCam will track developments in policy and practice relevant to land governance, in the light of guidance or commitments contained in applicable international instruments. To develop a list of ten major policy questions to be tracked, the LandCam team identified land-related provisions in relevant policy instruments including international agreements and soft-law instruments. The team also reviewed national laws, ordinances, regulations, decrees, strategies and other public policy documents of general application. An analysis of international instruments – including the VGGTs, the African Union Framework and Guidelines on Land, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the Convention on Biological Diversity – led to the identification of over 300 land-related issues. Clustering issues reduced the number to close to 100. Ultimately, the team identified ten priority issues that reflect some of the most pressing land governance challenges facing rural Cameroon – challenges that tie particularly closely with the wider body of work advanced by LandCam at both local and national levels. >>READ MORE