Les observatoires fonciers en Afrique: Diversité des formes, facteurs d’émergence et de succès
Authors: Quentin Grislain, Jérémy Bourgoin, Djibril Diop, Ward Anseeuw, Perrine Burnod, and Djiby Dia
Published: 2019
In recent decades, observatories have multiplied. Some of these observatories, known as land observatories, may reflect the need for knowledge and information in view of the scale and diversity of land issues (large-scale land acquisitions, land reforms, land conflicts, and so forth). Land observatories are intended to be instruments for reducing information asymmetries, promoting data transparency and accountability, supporting informed decision-making, strengthening debates on land tenure issues, and promoting citizen participation in land governance. However, despite this rationale and its promises in terms of improved land governance, land observatories yet fail to be referenced or assessed, and for now it is impossible to know what tasks they fulfill. This policy brief presents the results of a study on land observatories in Africa. >>Download