IOS Fair Transitions / LANDac Conference 2023 – Call for sessions


The LANDac International Annual Conference 2023, in collaboration with the Fair Transitions Platform- Utrecht University/IOS, will be taking place from 28-30 June 2023 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The call for sessions is now open, and will close on 15 February 2023.

Land is at the core of solutions for fair transitions. The energy transition, net-zero ambitions, nature protection, and food system transformation all involve claims on land, water, and forests. Land is clearly not infinite and the transitions we need to make take place in a context of high land inequality. This raises urgent questions as to how these transitions will be governed, and how dynamics of deepening exclusion and inequality can be prevented. Key global concerns are: How much land do we need for what transitions? Who is able to claim what part and at whose expense? In line with this, the questions guiding this year’s conference are: How could transitions be made fair? What role is there for land governance actors and (formal and informal) institutions? Who will have a seat at the table and whose knowledge does count? How will non-human interests be represented? Could transitions be a lever for promoting equity?

The 2023 LANDac conference will take up these questions at the crossroads of the land governance and fair transition debates.

Session proposals are invited around any of the below themes:

  1. Transition pathways and the question of inequality
  2. Rethinking inclusive transitions from a more-than-human perspective
  3. Transition squared: Rethinking land governance, land rights, and responsible investment
  4. Activism: Trusted alliances and unusual collaborations
  5. Building new imaginaries for fair transitions

For more about these themes and how to submit session proposals, visit

Conference format

The conference will be concentrated on-site, with limited options for hybrid sessions. The conference programme will include several keynote lectures and plenary discussions, in addition to hosting a range of parallel sessions. Slots for parallel sessions are 1,5 hours. A variety of formats are welcomed: paper presentations, panel discussions, round tables. For updates on keynote speakers, accepted sessions, and other details on the programme keep an eye on the LANDac website.

Submission of abstracts for papers opens 28 February and closes 20 March 2023.

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