Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) 2022
Every year, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) discusses current topics and issues with global outreach. The 2022 GFFA will address the issue “Sustainable Land Use: Food Security Starts with the Soil” and will thus deal with one of the most important challenges for the global food situation which requires worldwide cooperation. More than 90 percent of global food production depends on soil. It provides habitats for soil organisms and is the most important terrestrial carbon sink on earth. However, the quality of soils is increasingly deteriorating and fertile land is becoming scarcer.
This development must be halted by using land resources sustainably and preserving existing agricultural land. Farmers must also be granted long-term and secure access to agricultural land through ownership, tenancy and use rights in order to enable them to use land sustainably. Only in doing so will we be able to feed the growing world population, stop climate change, and reduce the loss of biodiversity. There is an urgent need for the international community to develop and implement viable and practical solutions.
The 2022 GFFA is to provide key impetus to this end and promote international exchange. The four core questions will be:
- How can we improve soil protection?
- How can we restore degraded soils?
- How can we make the use of finite land resources more sustainable?
- How can farmers worldwide get fair access to land?
You can find further information on the subject in the Background paper.
- From Monday, 24 January, you can watch the GFFA live stream here.
- No registration is necessary to watch.
- If you want to join in the discussion and vote, simply register here free of charge.
- Have a look at the programme.
- Network here.
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