
Country profile: Serbia

A favourable climate and large cultivated areas create ideal conditions for varied agricultural production in Serbia. At the same time, however, complex and tangled land relations, a legacy of its past as a socialist Yugoslav state, exacerbate the issue of land ownership, even after the privatisation process in the 1990s …

Country profile: Kenya

Of the total land area of Kenya, only around 10% is classified as arable land, with the 14 recorded concluded deals in the Land Matrix database equalling just 0.46% of the total land area. Although this is a relatively small land footprint, these deals may still have significant implications for …

Perfiles de País: Paraguay

Aunque Paraguay cuenta con una alta biodiversidad en sus seis ecorregiones, en las últimas cinco décadas el país perdió casi el 90% de la cobertura boscosa original de su territorio, debido a la expansión de las actividades agrícolas y ganaderas, en particular en la región del Chaco. Esta expansión generó …

Country profile: Paraguay

Although Paraguay boasts high biodiversity in all its six eco-regions, in the last five decades, it has lost almost 90% of its original forest cover due to the expansion of agricultural and livestock activities, particularly in the Chaco region. This expansion has also generated multiple conflicts over land tenure between …

Perfiles de País: Uruguay

Uruguay tiene más de 144 000 000 de hectáreas de tierra agrícola, que representan el 82% del territorio nacional, un porcentaje muy alto si se considera que el promedio de América Latina no supera el 40%2. En Uruguay, el proceso de apropiación y concentración de tierras es un fenómeno que …

Country profile: Uruguay

Uruguay has more than 144 million hectares of agricultural land, representing 82% of the national territory, a very high percentage compared to the Latin American average of less than 40%. Appropriation and concentration of land in Uruguay is a process that dates back to colonial times, and it has greatly …

Perfiles de País: Brasil

Brasil es el país más grande de toda América Latina y el quinto país más grande del mundo. Lamentablemente, el país también ocupa el segundo lugar a nivel mundial en términos de pérdida de bosques en las últimas dos décadas. Esta deforestación se asocia principalmente con la ganadería y la …

Perfiles de País: Argentina

Argentina, como el resto de América Latina y el Caribe (LAC), sufrió un intenso proceso de deforestación y pérdida de cobertura natural en las últimas décadas. Esto es importante a nivel regional y global, siendo Argentina el octavo país más grande del mundo, con una superficie de más de 2,7 …

Country profile: Argentina

As with the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), Argentina has experienced an intense process of deforestation and loss of natural vegetation in the last few decades. As the eighth-largest country in the world, with a total mainland area of more than 2.7 million km squared, this not …

Country profile: Ghana

Since large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) cover less than 9% of Ghana’s 4.7 million hectares of arable land, it may not seem like they would have a significant impact on the country’s agricultural landscape. However, their impact in fact goes far beyond the land footprint only, through their use of water …

Country profile: Brazil

Brazil is the largest country in both South America and Latin America and is the world’s fifth-largest country by area. Sadly, however, the country ranks second-highest globally in terms of forest loss in the last two decades, mostly associated with cattle ranching and agriculture, as seen in the Amazon basin, …

Профіль країни: Україна

З 60 мільйонів гектарів (га) усієї території України 55 % є ріллею, що є найвищим показником в Європі. Загалом сільськогосподарські угіддя займають більше 70% території країни. Наявність величезних земельних ресурсів очікувано спричинила бурхливу дискусію стосовно того, як мають виглядати земельні відносини після розпаду Радянського Союзу. За часів Радянського Союзу земля …

Country profile: Ukraine

Of Ukraine’s 60 million hectares (ha) of total land area, 55% is classified as arable land, which is the highest ratio in Europe. While this incredible wealth of fertile land has earned Ukraine the title of the ‘breadbasket of Europe’, it has also caused intense debate on how land relations …

Argentina country profile

This detailed country profile presents the Land Matrix data for large-scale land acquisitions in Argentina.

Indonesia country profile

This detailed country profile presents the Land Matrix data for large-scale land acquisitions in Indonesia.

Cambodia country profile

This detailed country profile presents the Land Matrix data for large-scale land acquisitions in Cambodia.

Philippines country profile

This detailed country profile presents the Land Matrix data for large-scale land acquisitions in the Philippines.

Profil pays République Démocratique du Congo

Ce profil pays présente les données de la Land Matrix pour et comprend les acquisitions de terres à grande échelle le République Démocratique du Congo.

Liberia country profile

This detailed country profile presents the Land Matrix data for large-scale land acquisitions in Liberia.

Profil pays le Madagascar

Ce profil pays présente les données de la Land Matrix pour et comprend les acquisitions de terres à grande échelle le Madagascar.

Sierra Leone country profile

This detailed country profile presents the Land Matrix data for large-scale land acquisitions in Sierra Leone.

Profil pays le Sénégal

Ce profil pays présente les données de la Land Matrix pour et comprend les acquisitions de terres à grande échelle le Sénégal.

Senegal country profile

This detailed country profile presents the Land Matrix data for large-scale land acquisitions in Senegal.

Tanzania country profile

This detailed country profile presents the Land Matrix data for large-scale land acquisitions in Tanzania.

Zambia country profile

This detailed country profile presents the Land Matrix data for large-scale land acquisitions in Zambia.

România profilul țării

Un profil detaliat al țarii, la capitolul achizițiilor de terenuri pe scară largă în România, este disponibil atât în limba engleză, cât și în limba română, precum și o hartă interactivă care detaliază încheierea de contracte de terenuri agricole în țară.

Romania country profile

A detailed country profile of large-scale land acquisitions in Romania is available in both English and Romanian, as well as an interactive map detailing concluded agricultural land deals in the country.


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