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Clean Technology Fund (CTF) #43573

Created at
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General info

Clean Technology Fund (CTF)
Country of registration/origin
United States of America
Investment fund
The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) is an $8 billion multi-donor trust fund that seeks to accelerate climate action by empowering transformations in clean technology, energy access, climate resilience, and sustainable forests in developing and middle-income countries. CIF is comprised of four funds: The Clean Technology Fund (CTF); the Forest Investment Program (FIP); the Scaling up Renewable Energy in low-income countries Program (SREP); and the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR). The bulk of CIF-IFC investments are through the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) window. CTF’s objective is to invest in projects and programs with high GHG abatement opportunities at the country, regional or sub-regional levels.