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Niassa Green Resources SA (NGR) #39930

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General info

Niassa Green Resources SA (NGR)
Country of registration/origin
Private company
Investor homepage
Niassa Green Resources SA (NGR) is a private, profit oriented, vertically integrated, forest products and carbon offset company, that plans to develop a long‐term investment with a 50‐year horizon in forest plantations in Niassa province, Mozambique. The company resulted from the name change of Malonda Treefarms SA (MTF) in 2009. MTF was legally registered, in 09/07/2007, after the agreement signed in 2006, between Green Resources AS (GRAS) and Malonda Foundation (MF) (20% ownership). As part of this agreement, MF transferred to GRAS the land use rights (Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento de Terras ‐ DUATs) of 46,120 ha of land in Niassa province and MTF was established to implement the project. Chikweti Forests of Niassa and Florestas do Planalto were acquired by GRAS in 2014. Since then the management of these companies was incorporated under Niassa Green Resources.