Deal #9544

Created at
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Consultation of local community

Community consultation
Limited consultation
Comment on consultation of local community
In February, 2020 the Arshaly District Council held a meeting in Bulaksay, which was advertised on the village noticeboard, for attendees to review the allocation of land required for the 156MW extension. The meeting was chaired by the Bulaksay rural area council, with the head of the Arshaly District Council Entrepreneurship Department and attended by 19 village residents. In November, 2020 the Arshaly District Council, along with representatives from the project, held a meeting with residents from Saryoba Station to explain the Project also. There was also an instance where the Councillor had requested a number of crossings over the trenching work to allow for agricultural machinery and animals to cross safely. The Client worked with six herders to determine where best to situate these crossings to meet the herders needs.

How did the community react?

Community reaction
Comment on community reaction
During this meeting the villagers approved the land allocation for the Project, which was documented and included as part of the application for the land lease.

Promised benefits for local communities

Promised benefits for local communities
Health, Roads, Other
Comment on promised benefits for local communities
If the water is taken from the Bulaksay or Saryoba station water supplies, shortages during the peak time usage may arise. To prevent this, the Company will repair the village pipework and pumps.