Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #9408
Deal #9408 Version #86798
Created at
Last update
Last full update
Land area
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
- [2014, current] 102753.05 ha
Intention of investment
Intention of investment
- [current] Mining
Comment on intention of investment
El cobre es el mineral principal y el que se busca explotar en el proyecto taca taca. Sin embargo, la empresa también realiza exploración de litio.
Nature of the deal
Nature of the deal
Exploitation permit / license / concession (for mineral resources)
Negotiation status
Negotiation status
- [2014, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
Implementation status
Implementation status
- [2022, current] Startup phase (no production)
Comment on implementation status
El proyecto taca taca se encuentra en una etapa avanzada. Asimismo, la empresa continua explorando en otras propiedades.