1. Location #XR7C099I Spatial accuracy level Approximate location Location Dorobanțu, Румунія Point Lat: 44.41035 Lng: 28.32573
2. Location #8OfzwdU3 Spatial accuracy level Approximate location Location Topolog, Румунія Point Lat: 44.87712 Lng: 28.37975
3. Location #034YdvaA Spatial accuracy level Approximate location Location Лумініца, Румыния Point Lat: 44.89423 Lng: 28.33034
4. Location #fH0bFm9c Spatial accuracy level Approximate location Location Meşteru, Румунія Point Lat: 44.92666 Lng: 28.30359
5. Location #euUFnI1W Spatial accuracy level Exact location Point Lat: 44.91036 Lng: 28.34146 Comment The approximate area with wind turbines is indicated because the operating company cooperates and produces electricity together with the wind turbines of another company, Total Electric (or ENEL), which is located near. Areas Production area (720.94 ha) [current]