Deal #9034

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Detailed crop, animal and mineral information

Crops area/yield/export
  • Oil Palm 3759 ha
  • Oil Palm, Oil Seeds (unspecified) [2016, current]

In country processing of produce

In country processing of produce
Processing facilities / production infrastructure of the project (e.g. oil mill, ethanol distillery, biomass power plant etc.)
PT Parit Sembada Palm Oil Mill receives the FFB from its own estate which is PT Parit Sembada Estate and outside supplier. At this moment, PT Parit Sembada Estate send the FFB to PT Steelindo Wahana Perkasa POM (PT Steelindo Wahana Perkasa POM is also own by KLK and already certified for RSPO P&C certified with MB model). After PT Parit Sembada POM certified, PT Parit Sembada Estate will transfer to PT Parit Sembada POM. This was confirmed with Pak Stephen Tiong Mee Ing (Development Director). At this moment, PT Parit Sembada Estate consist two main divisions details below: i. Kebun Buding - 10KM to SWP mill [60% FFB to SWP POM and 40% to Parit Sembada POM] ii. Kebun Cendil - 25KM to SWP mill [95% FFB to SWP POM and 5% to Parit Sembada POM] As per period of audit, this mill also received FFB from 51 Estate/Cooperative/Smallholder around this complex. This process has resulted PT. Parit Sembada POM conformance to RSPO mass balance supply chain model where certified and non-certified FFB are mixed.