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Deal #8735 Version #90498

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1. Location #uh30IG4w

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Administrative region
Campo Formoso, BA, 44790-000, Brasil
Lat: -10.50779
Lng: -40.32309
Wind complex formed by six wind farms, totaling 90 wind turbines. Access to the complex is via the BA-220 and BA-144 highways.
Facility name
Complexo Eólico Morrinhos
Municipality located in the Center-North of Bahia. The wind farm is located in “Area 5: Serra do Tombador”, an area identified in the “Atlas Eólico Bahia” (published by the government of the state of Bahia in partnership with private and public companies active in the sector in 2013) as promising areas for the implementation of wind projects. In the municipality there are 11 agrarian reform settlements registered with the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária INCRA), all of which were established after 2001. In addition to the areas of agrarian reform settlements, in Campo Formoso there are other traditional communities such as "Comunidades de Fundos e Fechos de Pasto (CFFP)" and Black Rural Quilombolas. According to the Mapping of Comunidades de Fundos e Fechos de Pasto (CFFP) in the state of Bahia (2020), in the municipality of Campo Formoso there are 20 Quilombola Rural Black Communities and 22 Fundo e Fecho de Pasto Associations.