Deal #8723

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Land area

Intended size
727 000 ha
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
  • [2007, current] 727000.0 ha
Comment on land area
Size taken from paper by Danielle Legault. Company states 731,000ha.The Grande Mayumba Sustainable Development Plan, developed in partnership with the Gabonese Republic, designates 29% of Grande Mayumba for reduced impact logging in existing forestry areas and 13% for mixed agriculture on largely degraded grasslands, while 30% of Grande Mayumba’s forestry concessions will be withdrawn from commercial forestry and proclaimed as a conservation area, due to its high biodiversity value. This means over 220,000 ha of the 730,000 ha land area will be permanently set aside for conservation, including representative forest and savannah ecosystems, as well as marine and freshwater environments.

Intention of investment

Intention of investment
  • [2007, current] Agriculture unspecified, Conservation (212000.0 ha)
  • [2007] Conservation (234000.0 ha)
  • [2007] Forest logging / management for wood and fiber, For carbon sequestration/REDD (200000.0 ha)
  • [2007] Agriculture unspecified, Forest logging / management for wood and fiber (70000.0 ha)
  • [2007] Other (14000.0 ha)
Comment on intention of investment
212,000ha agricultural and conservation savannah land, 200,000ha sustainable forestry, 70,000ha co-managed community forests and agricultural land, 234,000ha conservation arc covering rainforest, coastal, estuarine, mountain and savannah eco-systems, 14,000ha urban municipal and infrastructure development. Therse from company sources, thus totaling 730 000ha (size larger than size under contract- can't tell where the discrepancy comes in). Company website mentions 213 000ha for sustainable forestry, 63 000ha for co-managed community forests and agricultural land, 200 000ha agricultural land, 201 000ha conservation arc, 14 000ha urban, municpal and infrastructure development. The current carbon stock of Grande Mayumba has been quantified at +-434 MtCO2e (million tonnes of CO2). The unplanned development scenario indicates a loss of 52% of carbon (225 MtCO2e) over 25 years. On the other hand, our planned development indicates a loss of 5% of carbon over 25 years, thus making it possible to avoid +-200 MtCO2e of emissions. The savings achieved, which will be verified by continuousmeasurements of carbon stocks, will be transformed into tradable credits.

Nature of the deal

Nature of the deal

Negotiation status

Negotiation status
  • [2007, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
Comment on negotiation status
Year based on information in Mail & Guardian

Implementation status

Implementation status
  • Project not started
  • [2020-11-09, current] Startup phase (no production)
Comment on implementation status
Sugar trial planted. Planned to open the safari lodge in 2020. "Regrettably due to high level corruption the company has been forced to cease operations there and we are now involved in formal arbitration against the Government of Gabon through the Paris Chamber of Commerce." ( November 09, 2020: the "reactivation" of the "Grande Mayumb" project is announced