Deal #8717

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Detailed electricity generation information

Electricity generation
  • [2018-06, current] On-shore wind turbines 850 ha 0 %
    Number of turbines: 41 Currently installed capacity: 86.1 MW Intended capacity: 82 MW
Comment on electricity generation
Company wesbite states it generates 86.1mw, however other reports state 82 MW. "The facility will be installed with 41 Gamesa G114-2.0MW independent pitch-controlled wind turbine generators operating at variable speeds. Rated at 2MW, each turbine has a rotor diameter of 114m, hub height of 80m and tip height of 137m."

Use of produce

Has domestic use
Domestic use
100 %
Comment on use of produce
The Project will feed electricity directly into the National Grid for end users. There are several electrical equipment which are required to convert the electricity produced from the turbines in a form that is appropriate for connection with the High Voltage National Grid. This includes transformers, inverters, and connection cables; and