Deal #869 Version 88630 Version 88751
Name of community
Ind铆genas ayoreo-totobiegosodes.
Name of indigenous people
Ind铆genas ayoreo-totobiegosodes.
Comment on recognition status of community land tenure
En un inicio el territorio de los Ayoreo-totobiegosodes ocupaba una extensi贸n de 550.000 hect谩reas, pero ellos enfocaron su lucha en lograr asegurar y proteger urgentemente al menos el coraz贸n del mismo. En virtud de la legislaci贸n paraguaya, el 谩rea reclamada deber铆a haber quedado bajo la titularidad de los ayoreo hace d茅cadas, ya que tanto 茅sta, como la Constituci贸n del pa铆s, reconocen el derecho de los ind铆genas a la titularidad sobre sus tierras tradicionales. Pero no fue hasta mucho tiempo despues que los l铆deres ayoreos recibieron el t铆tulo para 18.000 hect谩reas de su tierra ancestral.
Initially the territory of the Ayoreo-totobiegosodes covered an area of 550,000 hectares, but they focused their struggle on securing and protecting urgently at least the heart of it. Under Paraguayan law, the area claimed should have been under Ayoreo ownership decades ago, since both the Ayoreo and the country鈥檚 Constitution recognize the right of indigenous peoples to title to their traditional lands. But it was not until long after the Ayorean leaders received the title for 18,000 hectares of their ancestral land.
Comment on community reaction
Gran parte de su tierra ha sido vendida a haciendas ganaderas, lo que ha obligado a los ayoreo no contactados a vivir a la carrera, escapando de las excavadoras o topadoras que destruyen su bosque. Desde1969 muchos de ellos han sido expulsados del bosque. Durante los a帽os 40 y 50 los granjeros menonitas establecieron colonias en sus tierras. Los ayoreo se resistieron a esta invasi贸n, y hubo muertes en ambos bandos, muchos ayoreo murieron en estos encuentros y otros sucumbieron m谩s tarde a causa de enfermedades.
Presence of land conflicts
Comment on presence of land conflicts
Most of their land has been sold to cattle ranches. This forced the contactless Ayoreo to live on the run, escaping from the bulldozers that destroy their forest. Since 1969 many of them have been driven out of the forest. During the 1940s and 1950s Mennonite farmers established colonies on their land. The Ayoreo resisted this invasion, and there were deaths on both sides, many Ayoreo died in these encounters and others succumbed later to disease.
Comment on displacement of people
Los ind铆genas ayoreos han sido r谩pidamente expulsados de sus territorios ancestrales a medida que la expansi贸n de la ganader铆a destru铆a sus bosques.
The Ayoreos have been quickly expelled from their ancestral territories as the expansion of livestock destroyed their forests.
Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation, Socio-economic, Cultural loss, Displacement, Violence
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
Muchos ayoreo murieron en los encuentros y otros sucumbieron m谩s tarde a causa de enfermedades. Son comunidades que al estar aisladas no estan preparadas para nuestras enfermedades. Los ayoreo-totobiegosode cultivan calabazas, habas y melones, y cazan en el bosque. Al desmontar su bosque y apropiarse de sus tierras, les dificulto la forma de conseguir su alimento.
Many Ayoreo people died in the encounters and others succumbed later to diseases. They are communities that, being isolated, are not prepared for our diseases. The ayoreo-totobiegoso cultivate pumpkins, beans and melons, and hunt in the forest. By dismantling their forest and appropriating their lands, It became difficult for them to get their food.
Comment on promised benefits for local communities
No ofrecieron ningun beneficio a la comunidad.
They offered no benefit to the community.
Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.)
La Comisi贸n Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, 贸rgano defensor de derechos humanos del subcontinente, ha exigido al estado paraguayo que adopte medidas para detener la deforestaci贸n en la tierra de los ayoreos y para proteger a sus familiares aislados del contacto forzado. Las principales organizaciones ind铆genas de Am茅rica Latina, con el apoyo de Survival, se unieron en solidaridad con los ayoreo y lanzaron un llamamiento p煤blico a la acci贸n sin precedentes.
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the human rights defender of the subcontinent, has demanded that the Paraguayan state adopt measures to stop deforestation in the land of the Ayoreos and to protect their isolated relatives from forced contact. The main indigenous organizations in Latin America, with the support of Survival, united with the Ayoreo and launched an unprecedented public call to action.
Comment on former land owner
Esas tierras pertenecian a los ind铆genas ayoreos.
Those lands belonged to the indigenous Ayoreos.
Comment on former land use
Los ind铆genas vivian y cultivaban sus alimentos.
The indigenous people lived and grew their food.
Fully updated

Location #WEFth2gB

Spatial accuracy level
Administrative region
Lat: -21.74493
Lng: -60.95401
Lat: -21.74491
Lng: -60.954