Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #8058

Deal #8058 Version #91126

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Number of total jobs created

Jobs created (total)
Current total number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
  • [2019-05-01] 152 employees
  • [2023-03-15, current] 295 employees 2700 workers
Comment on jobs created (total)
Burapha outsourced logistics to Linfox, including harvesting (with harvester machines) and forklift operators etc. in and around the plywood mill. The numbe of employees at the sawmill and furniture factory are unknown and not included in above numbers. There are different payment options. For daily work, people used to receive 50,000 LAK which was raised to 100,000 LAK recently. Other jobs are paid by hectare: weeding or clearing for 800,000 LAK/ha; where 1-2 ha can for instance be done in a day by 10 people. Worker numbers are based on information from field managers: For maintenance of 500 ha they need about 100 people per month and 6000 are planted on PFA. For clearing, they currently need 300 people for 1000 ha. Starting 2024, they aim to clear 5000 ha per year. [Source: stakeholder interviews, March 2023] Based on the company's annual report 2019, the company had 158 full time employees, 38 of these were women. The company also had 891 daily labourers (temporary/seasonal works) of which 317 were women. However, based on local sources, some local laborers who work for company complained that the company provides low wages to them (they now only get 60,000 kip/day; they want the company to pay 80,000 kip/day). According the report from Finnfund, a Finnish Fund for Industrial Cooperation, Burapha has provided labour opportunities to over thousand Lao people in rural areas every year and have trained many for advancement to skilled labour positions. [Source: Finnfund (2020)] According the local news, company expected to create job for about 8,501 people based on its approved feasibility study report in 2020. [Source: Lao Economic Daily]