Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #7809

Deal #7809 Version #87272

Created at
Last update

Detailed crop, animal and mineral information

Crops area/yield/export
  • Corn (Maize) [current] 300 ha
  • Soya Beans [current] 700 ha
Comment on crops
Total current areas under cultivation are 700 hectares of soya and 300 hectares of maize.
Comment on livestock
The company currently produces close to 5 million trays of eggs per year

Use of produce

Has domestic use
Has export
Country 1
Comment on use of produce
Production, distribution and sale of table eggs in the domestic and regional markets. Their eggs are marketed across Zambia and into neighbouring countries.

In country processing of produce

In country processing of produce
Processing facilities / production infrastructure of the project (e.g. oil mill, ethanol distillery, biomass power plant etc.)
There is poultry processing unit. To include construction of the facility as well as a chicken processing plant shed, installation of a 750kV transformer, effluent management, waste disposal and cold storage infrastructure.