Deal #773

Created at
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Last full update

Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected

Comment on communities / indigenous peoples affected
neighboring communities of Muriçoca, Galinho and Capão do Jerônimo, totaling approximately 150 people.

Consultation of local community

Comment on consultation of local community
Meetings were held with the communities neighboring the project to inform them of the activities to be carried out. A public hearing was held as part of the environmental impact assessment

Negative impacts for local communities

Comment on negative impacts for local communities
changes in local landscape and culture, with the introduction of new technologies, and the displacement of people from outside the region to work on the project.

Promised benefits for local communities

Comment on promised benefits for local communities
Access to higher incomes, jobs, infrastructure, education and quality of life. Road network New investments in local infrastructure

Materialized benefits for local communities

Comment on materialized benefits for local communities
Technology transfer programs for neighboring communities, such as Agritec. in the community of Muriçoca, the company settled a community garden, provided the structure, inputs and technical assistance. Today, 30 women work there for their own livelihood.