Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #773

Deal #773 Version #49261

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Land area

Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
  • [2009] 11893.0 ha
  • [2011, current] 26948.0 ha
Size in operation (production)
  • [2013, current] 10000.0 ha
Comment on land area
Agrifirma and the owners of the Bananal property in Western Bahia signed a revised agreement under which Agrifirma acquired 11,893 hectares outright, with an option to complete the acquisition of the remaining 27,029 hectares exercusable in August 2010. But in October 2011 Agrifirma Brasil acquires 26,948 hectares of the Bananal farm.

Intention of investment

Intention of investment
  • [current] Food crops

Nature of the deal

Nature of the deal
Outright purchase
Comment on nature of the deal
through an option process

Negotiation status

Negotiation status
  • [2009, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
Comment on negotiation status
signed in 2009, completed the option in 2011

Implementation status

Implementation status
  • [2013, current] In operation (production)

Purchase price

Purchase price
105 000 000
for specified area
Purchase price area
38 841 ha
Comment on purchase price
Total investment for 4 phases: R$238 mill (including payment for the land).