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Deal #7628 Version #80489

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Consultation of local community

Community consultation
Limited consultation
Comment on consultation of local community
Public consultations were held in 9 villages and Mandji town. As listed above the consultations involved local and national government authorities, politicians representing the area, village representatives and representatives from Ecosphere and Olam Palm Gabon.

How did the community react?

Community reaction
Mixed reaction
Comment on community reaction
Due to the presence of Lot 1 in the east and the proposed concession of Lot 2, the villages perceive that they are hemmed in and thus anticipate the loss of land for agriculture and the loss of native customary rights. Therefore the two villages (Moulandafoula and Guidouma) objected to the proposed development of Lot 2. Almost all villages expressed their concern on the loss of customary rights and livelihoods, particularly with respect to land for village farming and wanted the company to respect these by the identification and setting aside of areas for village use and/or compensation through material means that contribute towards social development. Due to strong dependence on rivers and other water bodies for fishing, drinking water and bathing, many villages expressed concern of the use of phyto-sanitary (agrochemical) products by the company and consequent contamination of water bodies.

Promised benefits for local communities

Comment on promised benefits for local communities