Deal #7531

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Operating Company

Operating company
Actors involved in the negotiation / admission process
  • Marubeni Corporation Intermediary
  • Feni Solar Power Company Limited Intermediary
  • ero Future Energies Asia Pte. (HFE Asia) Intermediary
Name of investment project
Feni solar farm
Comment on investment chain
3 total phases are being constructed: - Phase 1: 100 MW Solar PV Plant, Joint Venture with Marubeni Corporation from Japan - Phase 2: 100 MW Solar PV Plant, Joint Venture with Feni Solar Power Company Limited - Phase 3: 100 MW Solar PV Plant, Joint Venture with Hero Future Energies Asia Pte. (HFE Asia)
Network of parent companies and tertiary investors/lenders
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  • Is operating company of
  • Is parent company of
  • Is tertiary investor/lender of