Deal #7184
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How did the community react?
Community reaction
Mixed reaction
Comment on community reaction
In June 2018, some community members from Olyanytsya, Zaozerne and Kleban villages in Vinnytsia region, Ukraine, with the help of local and international NGOs – namely CEE Bankwatch Network, Accountability Counsel, and EcoAction Centre for Ecological Initiatives filed complaints with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Project Complaint Mechanism (PCM) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO), in relation to EBRD and IFC investments in Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP).
Presence of land conflicts
Presence of land conflicts
Comment on presence of land conflicts
It was conflict between Agro Company and locals because of "Ahrokriazh" faked contracts about leasing the land plots.
Negative impacts for local communities
Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation, Socio-economic
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
Risks of environmental pollution, the impact of heavy transport, odors, and working conditions.
Promised benefits for local communities
Promised benefits for local communities
Health, Education, Roads, Financial support
Materialized benefits for local communities
Materialized benefits for local communities
Comment on materialized benefits for local communities
Eco project - "Recycle, support young families; [MHP] MHP-Hromadi Charitable Foundation, which will expand its activities in the presence of enterprises to promote the integrated development of local communities and to raise the level of awareness of citizens. The renovated school of Babchynets OTG. In the Vinnytsia region, the "Regional competition of projects for the development of territorial communities" is held annually, founded by the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration. MHP enterprises from this region - PP "Poultry farm" Vinnytsia Broiler "and JLLC" Agrokryazh "- in February, when the next competition is announced, they hold regional forums" Steps to the development of communities ". For more info, see data source #7
Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.)
Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.)
NGO "Ecoaction"