1. Data source #4SC4Of7p Type Media report Url news.mongabay.com File in-madagascar-villagers-oppose....pdf Publication title In Madagascar, villagers oppose plans for a dam that would inundate their land Date 2019-07-18
3. Data source #M-aMeRvl Type Company sources Url www.tozzigreen.com Publication title Energy production and investments in renewables
4. Data source #Hzf74ul2 Type Media report Url www.waterpowermagazine.com File Farahantsana hydroelectric pla....pdf Publication title Farahantsana hydroelectric plant inaugurated in Madagascar Date 2022-12-07
5. Data source #8ZfGie2A Type Media report Url africa-energy-portal.org File MADAGASCAR_ the Farahantsana h....pdf Publication title MADAGASCAR: the Farahantsana hydroelectric power station (28 MW) goes into service Date 2022-12-05 Organisation Africa Energy Portal
6. Data source #OjZkL5JN Type Other Url cdm.unfccc.int File Untitled (uploaded 07 Apr 20 1....pdf Publication title Project design document form Comment on data source CDM project design document