Deal #7065

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Detailed crop, animal and mineral information

Comment on crops
The property was acquired to develop a biotechnology laboratory, with support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Colciencias. The laboratory complements the scientific research work begun in 2004, when the experimental field was inaugurated. Palm cultivation in the experimental field is focused on advances in biotechnology. Sources do not indicate that the objective of the palm plantations is to produce oil either for domestic consumption or for export.

In country processing of produce

Processing facilities / production infrastructure of the project (e.g. oil mill, ethanol distillery, biomass power plant etc.)
According to source 1, The experimental field has a germplasm bank, a seed module and mesh houses for experiments under controlled conditions, and a Biotechnology module comprising the Tissue Culture, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry laboratories, equipped with modern equipment according to the needs of the research projects, financed by Fedepalma, the Fondo Fomento Palmero, the Banco de Comercio Exterior de Colombia (Bancoldex) and Colciencias.