Deal #6815

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Detailed crop, animal and mineral information

Crops area/yield/export
  • Barley, Corn (Maize), Fodder Plants (unspecified), Sugar beet, Sun Flower, Wheat [current]
Livestock area/yield/export
  • Dairy Cattle [current]

In country processing of produce

In country processing of produce
Processing facilities / production infrastructure of the project (e.g. oil mill, ethanol distillery, biomass power plant etc.)
In 2018 UAE-based Al Dahra Agricultural Company planned to build an industrial complex of 10 independent biogas plants in Belgrade, the city government had said. The plants would have a capacity of 999 kW each and would be constructed in the Palilula municipality of the city of Belgrade. The company also has several livestock complexes (but already terminated cow farm in Padinska Skela, and a year ago the Dunavac farm with at least 1,000 cows each.) alfalfa processing factory